Coalition of Associations for Systemic Therapy

Applying AAMFT Competencies for MFT Masters Students

Sofia Georgiadou and Ashley Hicks


Between June and September 2023, we distributed a mixed-methods online survey that explored Marriage and Family Therapy Masters’ students’ perceptions of the degree to which their education in US-based Masters in MFT programs helped them build competency in distinct clinical skills, abilities, and behaviors. These competencies are found in two categories both of which have been extensively researched in our field: a) Common Factors, namely therapy skills that transcend therapy models and have shown to correlate with effective therapy and positive client outcomes and b) the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy’s list of Core Competencies. Data were collected using a brief, online, descriptive, and exploratory survey with items rated on a Likert Scale and a few open-ended questions requiring a text response. Bivariate and multivariate analysis of the quantitative data and a content analysis of the qualitative data were conducted. In our presentation, we will share what US-based student participants perceived as missing in their current outcome-based MFT education that may be contributing to a dissonance between classroom learning and application in real-world clinical situations.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to –

  1. Describe specific gaps in US Masters students’ perception of knowledge transfer from the classroom into the therapy.
  2. Identify one way that might address these gaps in their role as systemic therapy educators
  3. Articulate common characteristics of practicum experiences, curriculum, and training that influence student confidence in their ability to provide quality care.

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