Coalition of Associations for Systemic Therapy

Play Therapy with Families and Couples

Eliana Gil


During this workshop Dr. Gil will highlight how the use of expressive therapies (specifically art, play, and movement) can help families have an experiential sense of shifting their perceptions of each other, and perhaps understand each other in novel ways. Inviting families to play or use alternative forms of expression can bypass defenses, encourage more open communication, emotional vulnerability, and opportunities for mutually rewarding emotional connections.  Several case examples will be discussed along with a brief experiential exercise.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to –

  1. Provide a rationale for integrating play therapy with families and couples.
  2. List two brief and useful assessment techniques.
  3. List two examples of crafting playful interventions based on systemic issues.
  4. Name two ways of designing amplification questions for client metaphors.

Access until December 31, 2024

This purchase option will provide access to the ENTIRE catalog of 2023 Conference recordings until December 31, 2024

Access until December 31, 2024

This purchase option will provide access to ONLY this course until December 31, 2024

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